

司马健,2019年任太阳集团tcy8722特聘研究员,博士生导师。2009年博士毕业于中科院上海神经科学研究所;2009-2012,加入国际制药企业GSK药物研发中心任职科学家,主持参与多项神经退行疾病相关药物研发项目,曾获得GSK FIRST创新奖;2012-2018,加入美国国立健康研究院(NIH)杰出科学家 David Schlessinger 实验室从事博士后研究,开展遗传性衰老疾病以及神经退行性疾病的靶点鉴定及药物开发等项目研究;期间,连续三次获得NIH FARE奖,以及一次NIA年度所长奖;2018-2019,在美国南加州大学Alzheimer’s Disease Center任职副研究员,从事阿尔茨海默症的新靶点发现及1项药物临床试验研究。近年以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature NeuroscienceDevelopmentPNASTheranostics等知名期刊发表了论文。兼任 Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 编委,并任多个期刊(Neurobiology of AgingAgeingResearch ReviewsNeuroMolecular Medicine, Journal of Molecular NeuroscienceJournal of Neurological SciencesJournal of Developmental Biology等)特约审稿人。近年主持多项在研项目:如太阳集团tcy8722高层次海外人才引进基金,国家自然科学基金面上项目,校企联合创新药重大项目基金,以及多项企业/医院横向研究基金。目前科研团队经费充足,人才梯队完整,技术平台搭建成熟;在基础科研以及创新药物发现两方面均获得了较好的积累。欢迎有志青年加入科研团队或报考硕博研究生。








1. Chong Xu, Jialin Wu, Yiqun Wu, Zhichu Ren, Yuyuan Yao, Guobing Chen, Evandro F. Fang, Ji Heon Noh, Yong U. Liu, Libin Wei, Xijing Chen, and Jian Sima*. TNF-α-dependent neuronal necroptosis regulated in Alzheimer’s disease by coordination of RIPK1-p62 complex with autophagic UVRAG. Theranostics. 2021, doi:10.7150/thno.62376. (* Corresponding author)

2. Sima J#* , Yan Z#, Chen Y, Lehrmann E, Zhang Y, Nagaraja R, Wang W, Wang Z, and Schlessinger D*. Eda-activated RelB recruits a SWI/SNF (BAF) chromatin remodeling complex and initiates gene transcription in skin appendage formation.  PNAS. 2018,115 (32) 8173-8178.  (* Corresponding author)

3. Jian Sima*, Yulan Piao, Yaohui Chen and David Schlessinger*.  Molecular dynamics of Dkk4 modulates Wnt action and regulates Meibomian gland development. Development. 2016, Dec 15;143(24):4723-4735. (* Corresponding author)

4. Chen, G.#, Sima, J. #, Jin, M. #, Wang, K., Xue, X., Zheng, W., Ding, Y., and Yuan, X.  Semaphorin-3A guides radial migration of cortical neurons during development.  Nat. Neurosci. 2008, 11: 36-44.  (#: Co-first author)

5. Xu D, Shen W, Guo R, Xue Y, Peng W, Sima J, Yang J, Sharov A, Srikantan S, Yang J, Fox D 3rd, Qian Y, Martindale JL, Piao Y, Machamer J, Joshi SR, Mohanty S, Shaw AC, Lloyd TE, Brown GW, Ko MS, Gorospe M, Zou S, Wang W. Top3β is an RNA topoisomerase that works with fragile X syndrome protein to promote synapse formation.  Nat. Neurosci. 2013, 16(9):1238-47.

6. Varun Rawat#, Shaowei Wang#, Jian Sima, Roni Bar, Ori Liraz, Usha Gundimeda, Trusha Parekh, Jamie Chan, Jan O. Johansson, Chongren Tang, Helena C. Chui, Michael G. Harrington, Daniel M. Michaelson and Hussein N. Yassine. ApoE4 Alters ABCA1 Membrane Trafficking in Astrocytes. Journal of Neuroscience, 2019, 39(48): 9611-9622.


Emailsimajian@cpu.edu.cn;    simajian2018@outlook.com