

朱君荣,南京市第一医院药学部副主任,主任药师,药理学博士;硕士生导师,国家卫计委临床药师培训基地带教教师。从事医院药学工作二十余年,专业方向为临床药学与药事管理,近年来主要致力于药物个体化治疗研究及临床药学照护平台建设,包括心脑血管药物、抗肿瘤药物、抗感染药物及高风险药物的药物遗传学研究、药代动力学系统理论与药物临床药效和不良反应间的关联性研究、个体化给药模型的建模研究,人工智能与大数据分析指导下的精准药学服务范式研究。2012年曾赴美国布朗大学Roland Hospital访问学习。现为中国药师协会治疗药物监测药师分会委员、江苏省药师协会理事、江苏省药师协会临床药学分会副主任委员、南京药学会医院药学专委会副主任委员、南京医院协会临床药学管理专业委员会委员。Thromb Haemost,及中国医院药学杂志审稿人。近年来主持、承担国自然项目及省市级课题多项,发表临床药学相关SCI论文20余篇。获 “全国临床药师带教之星”、“全国优秀临床药师”等称号。获江苏省卫生厅新技术引进奖一等奖2项(排名:第一)。  


  1. Zhu Jun-Rong*(通讯作者),et al. The lncRNA Malat1 functions as a ceRNA to contribute to berberine-mediated inhibition of HMGB1 by sponging miR-181c-5p in poststroke inflammation. Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 2020 Jan;41(1):22-33.   IF=6.16(高被引论文)

  2. Junrong Zhu*(通讯作者), et al. Genetic Variation of Inflammatory Genes to Ischemic Stroke Risk in a Chinese Han Population.Pharmgenomics Pers Med. 2021;14:977-986.   IF=3.913

  3. Zhu Junrong#(第一作者), et al. Neuroprotective effects of protocatechuic aldehyde through PLK2 / p-GSK3 beta/Nrf2 signaling pathway in both in vivo and in vitro models of Parkinson's disease. Aging (Albany NY). 2019 Nov 6;11(21):9424-9441.    IF=5.515

  4. Zhu Junrong*(通讯作者), et al. A new algorithm to predict warfarin dose from polymorphisms of CYP4F2, CYP2C9 and VKORC1 and clinical variables: derivation in Han Chinese patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Thromb. Haemost. 2012,107:1083-91.   IF=6.094

  5. Zhu Jun-Rong#(第一作者), et al. Berberine attenuates ischemia-reperfusion injury through inhibiting HMGB1 release and NF-κB nuclear translocation. Acta Pharmacol. Sin.2018Nov;39(11):1706-1715.    IF=3.562

  6. Zhu Junrong#(第一作者), et al. Berberine Facilitates Angiogenesis Against Ischemic Stroke Through Modulating Microglial Polarization via AMPK Signaling. Cell. Mol. Neurobiol. 2019 Aug;39(6):751-768.  IF=3.811

  7. Zhu Jun-Rong*(通讯作者), et al. Development of a novel individualized warfarin dose algorithm based on a population pharmacokinetic model with improved prediction accuracy for Chinese patients after heart valve replacement. Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 2017 Mar;38(3):434-442.   IF=3.223

  8. Zhu Junrong*(通讯作者), et al. A logistic equation to determine the validity of tramadol from related gene polymorphisms and psychological factors. Pharmacogenomics. 2014 Mar;15(4):487-495.   IF=3.425


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