

傅蓉,副教授,硕士生导师,2012年获得理学博士,同年入职太阳集团城娱8722。20156月在美国加州伯克利分校生物工程院以访问学者身份工作1年。目前的主要研究方向包括:基于条件敲除转基因动物模型的血管发育与重构分子机制研究、肿瘤转移和耐药发生机制与逆转策略研究、抗肿瘤靶向小分子创新药物发现与研究。入职以来,先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目各1项。参与多项国家级省部级课题及抗肿瘤新药的研发工作。以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Clinical InvestigationIF 12.3)、Nature CommunicationsIF 11.92篇)、British Journal of PharmacologyIF 6.8)等国际期刊发表SCI研究论文7篇。


1. Rong Fu, Yi Li, Nan Jiang, Bo-Xue Ren, Chen-Zi Zang, Li-Juan Liu, Wen-Cong Lv, Hong-Mei Li, Stephen J. Weiss, Zheng-Yu Li, Tao Lu, Zhao-Qiu Wu*. Inactivating endothelial ZEB1 impedes tumor progression and sensitizes tumors to conventional therapies. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2020, 130(3):1252-1270. IF: 12.3

2. Rong Fu, Wen-Cong Lv, Ying Xu, Mu-Yun Gong, Xiao-Jie Chen, Nan Jiang, Yan Xu, Qing-Qiang Yao, Lei Di, Tao Lu, Li-Ming Wang, Ran Mo, Zhao-Qiu Wu*. Endothelial ZEB1 promotes angiogenesis-dependent bone formation and reverses osteoporosis. Nature Communication,2020, 11(1): 460. IF: 11.9

3. Rong Fu, Chen-Feng Han, Ting Ni, Lei Di, Li-Juan Liu, Wen-Cong Lv, Yan-Ran Bi, Nan Jiang, Yin He, Hong-Mei Li, Shui Wang, Hui Xie, Bao-An Chen, Xiao-Sheng Wang, Stephen J. Weiss, Tao Lu, Qing-Long Guo, Zhao-Qiu Wu*. A ZEB1/p53 signaling axis in stromal fibroblasts promotes mammary epithelial tumours. Nature Communication,2019, 10(1): 3210. IF: 11.9

4. Rong Fu, Yi-Wei Zhang, Hong-Mei Li, Wen-Cong Lv, Li Zhao, Qing-Long Guo, Tao Lu, Stephen J Weiss, Zhi-Yu Li, Zhao-Qiu Wu*. LW106, a novel indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 inhibitor, suppresses tumour progression by limiting stroma-immune crosstalk and cancer stem cell enrichment in tumour micro-environment. British Journal of Pharmacology,2018, 175(14): 3034-3049. IF: 6.8

5. Xiao-Ping Wang, Qing-Long Guo, Lei Tao, Yan Chen, Teng An, Zhen Chen, Rong Fu*. E platinum, a newly synthesized platinum compound, induces apoptosis through ROS-triggered ER stress in gastric carcinoma cells. Molecular Carcinogenesis, 2017, 56(1): 218-231.IF: 4.7

6. Rong Fu, Qiu-Juan Wang, Qing-Long Guo*, Jing-Yi Xu, Xiao-Ming Wu. XJP-1 protects endothelial cells from oxidized low-density lipoprotein-induced apoptosis by inhibiting NADPH oxidase subunit expression and modulating the PI3K/Akt/eNOS pathway. Vascular Pharmacology, 2013, 58(1-2): 78-86. IF: 4.6

7. Rong Fu, Tian-Hua Yan, Qiu-Juan Wang, Qing-Long Guo*, He-Quan Yao, Xiao-Ming Wu, Yang Li. Suppression of endothelial cell adhesion by XJP-1, a new phenolic compound derived from banana peel. Vascular Pharmacology, 2012, 57(2-4): 105-112. IF: 4.6

8. Rong Fu, Zhen Chen, Qiu-Juan Wang, Qing-Long Guo*, Jing-Yi Xu, Xiao-Ming Wu. XJP-1, a novel ACEI, with anti-inflammatory properties in HUVECs. Atherosclerosis, 2011, 219(1): 40-48. IF: 4.5


